8 thoughts on “moon garden – detail

  1. Christine

    Stefan, what are these intriguing ‘mushroom-like’ objects in your garden? Animal, mineral or vegetable?

  2. stefan

    ha ha, theyre the seating but they do have a sort of ‘sea anemone’ look to them. in the end i threw away the design manual and just scrawled them in as funky little objects – think it works

  3. Christine

    Yes they do. I really love the ‘sea anemone’ nature of the seating but must admit to being completely challenged by scaling etc….could you draw me in a person? Does this mean that they are sort of squishy to sit on also? Or perhaps their base/stem is anchored in some odd way which means they are not quite stable (wobble…) or have more flexibility of movement than usual?

  4. Tom Turner

    Tando Ando trained as a boxer and a carpenter, not as an architect, and it makes one wonder about the standard pattern of architectural education, as does the career of Joseph Paxton. Maybe we should train our students in boxing, carpentry and gardening!

  5. Christine

    The seats are very appealing! The ability to change the images on the surface makes them a very versatile design item.

    I am sure they would also be magnets to children…

    …which set me thinking about springloaded playground animals. They have now been all but banned from playgrounds because of safety/insurance issues.

    Not sure what the boundaries are here with the design of public/private parks. Perhaps Tom will have to make a call on this one?


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