Definitely, ideas should continue to be re-cycled. Think how many generations have recycled the classical orders, always with variations on the theme.
The Sydney Opera House is a wonderful building in fabulous setting. If re-incarnated in Paris, I think it should be on as smaller scale and as a fast-food restaurant playing recorded classical music.
I’m not so sure about offering vegetarian turtle-burgers, but it is definitely a thought worth thunking.
PSĀ “A thunk typically occurs when a 16-bit application is running in a 32-bit address space, and its 16-bit segmented address must be converted into a full 32-bit flat address. On the other hand, if a 32-bit program calls a 16-bit DLL, then the thunk is in the opposite direction: from 32 bit to 16 bit.”
Perhaps by the use of deconstruction such as was used by Tschumi at Parc de la Villette there was an attempt to explore the fundamentals of architecture, landscape and design beyond heirarchy and order.[ ]
Yes re Tschumi. Parc de la Villette was, and is, an exciting project in many ways. The disappointing aspects are (1) no interest in ecological or environmental issues (2) no sense of humour.
Perhaps one of those infamous turtle burgers you suggest will help with the sense of humour! [ ]
Great. I’d like to see some rip-roaring, howling, side-splitting outdoor jokes, though it is a regrettable fact that what makes one generation laugh makes the next generation yawn. Nationalism, in its vicious forms, deserves ridicule. My Mum used to tell a wartime joke: ‘What shall we do to punish Hitler?’ Her answer was ‘Give him Ireland’. Holywood has done a better job of punishing Nazism than Nuremberg ‘We have ways of making you…’.
Yes. Art has a way of making you see things differently!
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Art it definatly recycled – for example the pyramids in las vegas and paris.