Tirtagangga water garden: the garden that time forgot

The Tirta (Holy Water) gangga (Ganges) water gardens in Bali are composed of three main elements: water, sculpture and gardens. They were originally built by the
late King of the Karangasem in 1948. However in 1963 with the eruption of the volcano Gunung Agung much of the palace was destroyed leaving only the bathing pools. The garden is said to be designed in a mixture of Balinese, European and Chinese styles and have undergone reconstruction.

One thought on “Tirtagangga water garden: the garden that time forgot

  1. Tom Turner

    I look forward to someone producing an Asian analysis of Asian gardens but a European (me!) would classify the design as Eclectic in the manner of the nineteenth century. The stylistic approach is rather that of Lutyens adapting Hindu and Muslim design motifs for New Delhi. I guess ‘Balinese’ was influenced by India, which makes the design sources similar to those of Lutyens. One needs to a forensic approach to analyse the design style.


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