As the author of a an old report on Towards a green strategy for London, I should be pleased to see a sudden and dramatic green turn on London’s South Bank. And I am. Green is a good outdoor colour, kind to the eye and calming for the nerves. But I would also like the Greater London Authority to adopt a serious Green Strategy for London. ‘
Dear Tom,
LI London is currently represented in London Planning and Development Forum LPDF- arising from an ‘All-Party’ Inquiry into development control in the capital in 1980. LI London sent co-opted Executive Committee Student member Tuan Nyguen to the recent Planning in London PIL/ LFA Conference. You would be welcome to become involved in LPDF representation LI London review and comment on forthcoming GLA planning guidance, revealed by GLA representative Sir Simon Milton, at that Conference which LI London aims to obtain in due course. The objective maybe to become more involved in local level landscape planning activity.
and what the branch may develop is a Policy group which is something that may be added as an agenda item for the next meeting
With thanks, Yours,
Adam Cook
[Past Chair LASE 2005-2007 and LI London Council representative]
NB. A copy of a report from the PIL conference passed to the LI by LI London Chair, Susan Lowenthal is posted below:
1. Planning for a better London – a short review relating to landscape planning
The half day Conference was in two parts: Speech sections of leaders from boroughs of London and advisory board; and the Planning review section which involved speakers from different perspectives including architects, planners, lawyers and investors.
This conference was mainly about interpretation and transformation of policy and political direction into planning practice of London in responding to the new political and economic landscape of London. The last three statements from the ‘Direction of travel’ from the new Mayor partly relating to the roles of landscape architecture profession in London include:
• London’s environment must improve and we must step up our effort to tackle climate change
• London distinctive character, its diverse neighbourhoods and unique, heritage must be cherished and protected.
• All Londoners should be able to share in their city’s success, feel safe in their neighbourhoods and enjoy and improving quality of life. (GLA:4)
The political vision is divided into four sections as follows:
• Protection of Green belt, Metropolitan Open Land and London’s precious green and open spaces.
• Promote the best standards of energy efficiency, inclusive, accessible design, new, inspiring architecture and high quality urban design (GLA: 9)
• Population increase and requirement for enhancing urban environment quality: existing problems of subsidence, overheating, problems of water supply
• Climate change: Flood, heat island effect, stresses on flora and fauna.
Meeting environmental challenge: to make sure planning system
• To promote efficient use of resources
• To protect and enhance open space: to prevent inappropriate development of open spaces, Green Belt, domestic gardens and playing fields.
• To promote trees and woodland
• To promote a well-designed environment that respects and makes the most of London’s heritage
• To protect and enhance London’s historic environment
Supplementary planning guidance (SPG):
• In the next 12 months: publish SPG on open space strategies
• During 2009/2010: publish SPG on green infrastructure
• During 2010/2011, publish SPG on tree and wood land, waterways