The sunken garden looks nice but they could have done more with the external space for this earth-sheltered dwelling house in California
When reducing the total impact of humans on the environment becomes a necessity, we may have to learn more from the lifestyles of wombats, teletubbies and hobbits. If so, I hope our species will also become cuter, cuddlier, and friendlier. JRR Tolkien may prove correct in his view that diminutive sausage-eaters will save the world from the black forces of evil.
PS But is that a triple garage?
(image courtesy Christopher Line)
Yes the earth sheltered atrium house has a roof top parking spot!
[ http://blueroof.wordpress.com/2007/02/23/homes-getting-greener/ ]
I don’t think wombats, hobbits or teletubbies have gas guzzlers but perhaps they have aspirations.
Ahead of his time, William Morgan built Dune House,twin condos in the dunes of Florida in 1974. [ http://www.williammorganarchitects.com/residential-design/dune/ ]
It is a brilliant project – but it is rather a pity to have treated the external space as golf course, unless of course one is a golfer. I’d like to see the principles William Morgan illustrates used first on the scale of a group of houses, then a village, then a town and then a city. I’ll call that progress.
Yes it would be great to see the roof planted with dune grasses native to Florida. I believe this evolution in the contemporary occupation of the Dune Houses would be in keeping with Morgan’s original design intent. Of course, it would be important to ask him first if the new owner valued the integrity of the design!
[ http://www.fairchildgarden.org/uploads/docs/Education/teacher%20training/green%20machines/Plants%20and%20ecosystems3.pdf ]
It’s fine that there’s a triple garage…just as long as there are about 8 people living inside inside of 2. Unlikely, but how deep does the rabbit hole go???