Burial Mounds

Winterbourne Stoke Barrows









Martina’s comments on ways of commemorating the dead bring us full circle to the Stonehenge site which has amazing burial mounds all around the surrounding countryside. Many have been ruined by the plough but as the English Heritage site above shows there are still some beautiful landforms. http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/stonehengeinteractivemap/sites/barrows/start.html



One thought on “Burial Mounds

  1. Tom Turner

    Visually, I find Stonehenge rather a disappointment. But the more you read about it the more interesting it becomes. Archaeologists are unusual people. They do the most cautious, careful and painstaking research. But then they indulge in the wildest flights of interpretative fancy. So I will try and follow their example.
    My interpretation is that the burial customs seen around Stonehenge come from Central and West Asia. The stone circle was used for community burials, from the time when ‘the tribe was the thing’ and the mounds, equivalent to kurgans, from a time when ‘the king was the thing’.

    There is a great need to re-invent burial customs to reflect our evolutionary understandings of ‘nature’ and ‘society’.


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