See English translation below
Any chance of a translation ?
Yes – I have added a link to the same photo with the text in English
主观说,我等这样一篇文章,很久了。客观上说,我对于中国当代风景园林行业” 如火如荼”的现状,非常担忧.我很担心,如果我今后的孩子,问我这样的问题: 妈妈,这是哪个国家的园林? 我会脸红然后哑口无言.
(1) 本土文化:国内学者其实派别并不明显,主要就是围绕“景观”与风景园林“之争。而遗憾的是,大家都过于急功近利,毕竟赶上了中国高速发展的时期。每一个人都不能袖手旁观。于是”文化“作为精神奢侈品被远远抛于脑后。中国上千年的历史文化,在经济发展面前,恐怕稍稍让后,毕竟经济基础,决定上层建筑,这是一个真理。
(2) 引领力量:任何学科的发展,都要靠强有力的引领着主导其中,中国之所以能够建立,我们都要感激的人是毛泽东,伟人的力量是伟大的。但是目前的状况是在老一辈的治学严谨的学者,渐渐退出历史舞台的时候,出现的人都是一些”亲美派“这不能去责备什么,因为毕竟美国给了那一代人”走出国门“的机会,更奇怪的是在整个风景园林行业人们似乎忘记了在这个世界上还有欧洲。而这一代人中,缺少通晓园林,造园,风景园林,规划与设计互长的大师级人物。”景观“的言论,在中国是神态学的滥用。但是却博得了一些统治阶级的厚爱,实践的脚步渐渐加快。这不能说不好,只是对于中国建设真正高质量的风景园林作品起到了阻碍甚至误导的作用。
(3)基本国情:温家宝总理在最近的一次演讲:认清中国现状 的演讲中,提醒大家:中国依然是发展中国家,社会主义初级阶段。所以我们不得不承认,在这样一个庞大的国家面前,对于风景园林这样一个不是特别影响综合国力的第三产业来讲,很难引起大家的关注,正如英国女王曾经说过:伦敦不能没有艺术一样,中国目前可以不要艺术,但是必须搞经济发展。因为我们在成长,所以社会难免浮躁,难免重洋。
我是一个西方人,当我2007年访问了中国,我被有多好,风景园林很惊讶。我们经常读到的中国和印度经济的比较,我访问了印度,才去中国。因此我认为,也将在这两个国家的建筑环境的相似性。我错了。印度的城市是非常糟糕组织中城市都安排得井井有条。它是与风景园林相同。这是在中国非常好于印度。其实在中国景观建筑一样好或更好园林建筑,在大多数欧洲国家。对我来说,问题是,中国园林建筑看起来不中。但是,这是一个国际问题。国际风格的设计已成为主导,这是非常困难的个别国家,即使他们被视为中国一样大,老,有民族风格。 [我希望我的中文不是太可怕了!]。
I AM SCARED by you!
Your translator is a excellent one.
Do you mean you are surprised with the quality of landscape architecture in China, or do you mean that you are surprised by the NUMBER of landscape architects in China?
You have as much reason to be scared about my knowledge of Chinese as an elephant has reason to scared of being bitten by a mouse.
What I mean is that I made the idiotic mistake of thinking that landscape architecture in China would be like modern landscape architecture in India (ie very very disappointing). I landed in Shanghai in 2007, had some good strong coffee, and set out on my bicycle. Within one hour I had found several examples of really well made modern parks. I do not know how many landscape architects there are in China. But I would like to know and I think that China needed 250,000 landscape architects 25 years ago.
I also think that Qiu Baoxing, the Chinese Vice-minister for Construction, is a wise and wonderful man – and that he should invest substantial resources in the training of landscape architects. He needs to understand that architects, planners and engineers are not going to create the types of urban enviroment which he and I want China to have! It is a job for landscape architects. They have the necessary ideas and theory, even if the necessary staff are not available. Would you ask a gardener to design a building? A few of them can do it very well, but on the whole it is better to ask architects to design buildings and landscape architects to design the urban space which surrounds buildings. Obvious really.
For example, Qiu Baoxing(仇保兴) declared Kunming a National Garden City (at the 46th World Congress of the International Federation of Landscape Architects). But Kunming has a similar population to London and is growing much faster, so why didn’t Qiu Baoxing(仇保兴) call for the establishment of professional courses, in Kunming, for the training of garden designers, landscape architects and landscape planners? I have heard that it is being considered – but action is required and he is the man to make the call. All power to his elbow.
You rode bike there! Cool! It is interesting enough to put this news on the shanghai newspaper.Did you frighten Shanghainees that day?:-)
Actualy, I went to Shanghai in 2006. I also found it has good public green spaces in the CBD and some residents park. They are great.The reason is that they are designed by many western-base companies,like EDAW …not local Chinese ones. I am very native-protection person, my thinking is that western people should not do the Chinese landscape design at all( 3years ago, I thought like this ,not now)
I never met Qiubaoxing ,you met him?
I see no advantage in being ‘nationalistic’ about who does a design. It is far more important to have a good design than to have a design by a local person. It is the same with cars and cameras: I want the best camera for the job, not a locally made camera. So I always try to buy Japanese cars and cameras.
I have not met Qiu Baoxing but I would want to shake his hand warmly if I did, and then I would recommend a massive expansion of landscape architecture education in China.
Re cycling in China, people were much less interested in seeing an old man on a small bike than they were in India, or maybe they were more polite and did not want to stare at an oddity. But I think it is generally true that Chinese people are less friendly with strangers and, perhaps, more friendly with people they know and trust. Making comparisons is dangerous.
Landscape architecture education in China is massive enough, Have you ever been invited to give speech in China? Did you see how many student are there?
Regard to the manner of Chinese,it is not true. Chinese always treat foreigner much much better than local persons, especially when they meet European.Chinese people is very friendsly with strangers!
I am not sure when you are joking, and when you are serious …:-(
I have seen photos of landscape meetings in China but have not contributed myself – when I travel I am always so keen to see places that I do not have much time to meet people. But if I think back to meetings with strangers in China, I would say that Chinese people are more cautious and less open than people in, for example, India. Cycling in India, people were always calling out ‘Welcome to India? Where from? Very nice bike!’ but this did not happen once in China. But please don’t think I am criticising the Chinese for this – it is in fact how I behave myself. Ah, and now I remember an exception. I stopped to ask the way in, I think, Jinan. The kind man who helped me invited me to visit him in No. 17 School, where he worked, ‘any time at all’.
I am not going to argue about the behaver of Chinese. Maybe,you were not luckey that time.
But the main reason is that maybe you donot look like a foreigner.That is why they didnot speak to you.There is a traditional custom in china which is “worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries”. They like foreigners more than local person. Not eveyone likes me, treat everybody the same.
Please do not think that I am criticising the Chinese. I like and admire them. It is just that social customs vary between countries. I once read of a Hungarian who came to England with the habit of starting a conversation on a train by asking ‘How much money to you earn?’ – which is a question one would never ask in England! My own principle, like yours, is to treat everyone the same. You are definitely the first person to think that I look Chinese and I take it as a compliment.
It might be a compliment,but it is more like a bad joke.So, you fell the hole dug by me this time. Ha Ha… ” Chinese.
Today, I found an interesting post and I really agree with it:
Yu Kongjian seems on course to become the Frederick Law Olmsted of China. He did not reply to an email from Gardenvisit.com – but I guess FLO was not much good with email either. Both landscape architects are good at getting publicity.
Hehe, it is an interesting guess. But it is depending on the generation, different generations need different FLOs.
I may prefer to respect everyone who loves landscape architects and donates themselves to this subject,including the teachers,scholars,writers,designers… Sometimes, the gereration can provide a chance for landscape architects to make their idea come true,for example,FLO’s Centural Park.But sometimes there is not a chance for the person to make his/her theory come ture although they are brilliant as FLO.
Therefore,who will become FLO in China is not important.
I think Yu Konjuan may be closer to a Forestier or a Mawson than to an Olmsted: he seems to be following trends more than he is setting a new direction for his profession. But I admire what I know of his work.