The Garden Guide

Christ's College Fellows' Garden

The Fellows' Garden is in the centre of the college and the present garden was laid out in 1825, probably inspired by the principles in Loudon's Encyclopedia of Gardening. and by the Gardenesque Style he advocated. There are also older features on the site. The Malcolm Bowie Bathing Pool is believed to date from the mid-18th century. The 'Milton’s Mulberry Tree' (Morus nigra)vwas planted in 1608  and its berries are still used to make jam.

Christ's College Garden
Photograph © Boooooooob

St Andrew's Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, CB2 3BU

All year. Monday to Friday. Open 9:30 to 12pm (during terms time also open 2pm to 4pm). Closed May to early June during university examinations.

Visit the Christ's College Fellows' Garden website

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