The Garden Guide

Fairhaven Garden

A wet Norfolk Broads woodland garden made by Lord Fairhaven after 1947. The old alder, beech and oak trees have been underplanted with rhododendrons, azaleas, cherries and dogwoods. The Fairhaven Garden also has a rich field layer of primulas, hostas, astilbes, gunnera and other bog plants. It is as near to a swamp garden as one can find in England.

Head Gardener's Comment

130 acres of ancient woodland and water garden with a bird hide, boat trips, a tea room, gift shop and a plant sales area. We have the UK's largest naturalised selection of candelabra primulas that flower late may - early June. We also have many rhododendrons, azaleas and hydrangeas.

Photograph © Fairhaven Garden
Photograph © Fairhaven Garden
Photograph © Fairhaven Garden
Photograph © Fairhaven Garden
Photograph © Anthurium/Katrina Underwood


The Second Lord Fairhaven bought the Hall and Garden in 1946 and worked full time to return the garden into a place of beauty. He died in 1929 and the garden was opened to the public in 1975 and has been open ever since. The current Lord Fairhaven is the chairman of the trustees and still takes a great interest in the garden.

Plants of note

Snowdrops, primulas, primroses, Wood anemones, Skunk cabbage and many other bog plants

Fairhaven Garden Trust, School Road, South Walsham, Norwich, Norfolk, England, NR13 6DZ

All year. Daily except 25th December. Open 10 am to 5pm or dusk (9pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays May to August).

Adult £5.00 concession £4.50 and children £2.50 (under 5s free) dogs on leads 25p (Prices from April 2009)

Visit the Fairhaven Garden website

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