Market-Gardens. - The only one that we have seen worthy < of notice in this outline is that of Mr. Mist at Perry Barr, near Birmingham. Mr. Mist is a Fellow of the Horticultural Society, a reader, and a strictly scientific, as well as practical, cultivator. His ground being his own, he is trenching and manuring part of it for asparagus, sea-kale, tart rhubarb, horseradish, and other deep-rooting plants, to the depth of 4 ft., in a style which could not be afforded by a common market-gardener. He grows Keen's seedling strawberry to a very high degree of perfection; carries asparagus to market twice in the same day, for the Birmingham dinners at one o'clock, and for the suppers at nine o'clock; and, if he were encouraged by a proper vegetable market in Birmingham, we feel confident he would greatly improve the taste of the consumers of vegetables in that town.