Nurseries. - The best collection of house-plants we found in Cullis's nursery, Leamington, where a handsome new conservatory is being planted with a very choice assortment, on an excellent principle for preventing them from crowding on each other, which we shall hereafter describe. The best collection of herbaceous plants which we have any where seen, out of the Epsom nursery, is at Pope's, Handsworth; and there are here above a hundred species of rare articles, of which we have got a list for publication, which are not included in the last edition of the Epsom catalogue. Mr. L. Linnï¾µus Pope is an excellent self-taught botanical draughtsman; he makes drawings of all the more rare plants of the nursery as they come into flower; and his collection has already extended to nearly four quarto volumes. Messrs. Pope are collecting rare trees and shrubs, and will soon plant an arboretum. Taking the nursery altogether, it is highly interesting; and we only regret that it is not better known. The nursery of Mr. Lowe at Wolverhampton, and that of Mr. Cunningham at Manchester, are the freest of weeds which we have seen since leaving London. Mr. Lowe's nursery has always been remarkable for its order and neatness; and we learn from the trade, that it used to be considered the best kept nursery between Edinburgh and London. It is extensive, and fully stocked with forest trees, shrubs, and fruit trees, in excellent condition for removal, and sold at very low prices. The same may be said of Mr. Cunningham's nursery at Manchester, which is remarkably well laid out, and highly kept. The nursery in the worst order which we have seen is that of Weare at Coventry; we were quite astonished to find so much glass, so extensive an American ground, and so many good plants, both tender and hardy, amidst so much broken glass, rubbish, and weeds. We regret it the more, because the foreman (whose name, not having our notes to refer to, we cannot here insert) is an excellent propagator, a reader, and enthusiastically devoted to his profession. We sincerely hope his employer may be induced to allow him the requisite number of men for cultivation and management, and to put the houses, walls, and walks in repair. Such a man, in some situations and circumstances, would be a treasure; but at present he is like a pearl in a dunghill.