Of Horticultural Practices we have met with several worthy of particular description and commendation; but we shall give only two here, which, we think, ought to be as widely known as possible without delay. The first is the general adoption of a mode analogous to Mr. Strutt's, but more simple and less expensive, of wintering the vines grown under the rafters in pineries. The house is constructed in the usual manner; but, about 1 ft. within the front wall (fig. 74. a), a 4-inch wall (b) is built a few inches higher than the front wall. When it is desired to winter the vines, the front sashes are taken out, fixed on this wall, and made air-tight at top and bottom with moss; while the vines, being taken down from the rafters, are fastened obliquely in the space between the upright sashes in their new position, and the old position of these sashes. The advantages of wintering the vines grown in pineries are known to every gardener. We have elsewhere described the manner in which the vines grown on the back wall, or under the glass roof, immediately over the back passage, are wintered at Kensington, viz. by letting down the upper sashes about 3 ft., and putting hot-bed lights and boards along the top of the back wall of the pit, so as to form a partition between it and the path, rendering this partition airtight by moss. It is of great importance, to construct houses in which both pines and vines are to be grown, with a view to these modes of wintering. Where houses already existing are heated by smoke-flues, close to the front wall, the front sashes and boards may be placed obliquely (fig. 75. c), from the inner edge of the front wall to the roof; or, what is preferable, hot-water pipes and a 4-inch wall may be substituted for the flue; the pipes occupying less room than the flue will allow space for the 4-in wall. (fig. 73.) A great advantage of the mode of construction by a 4-inch wall between the flue and the front wall is, that the vines may be planted within the house. Another advantage is, that the vines may be taken in to force, or put out to winter, at pleasure, so as to have early, medium, and late crops of grapes in the same house. We saw this exemplified at Hagley and several other places.