The second practice which we shall mention is that of having two kinds of crops always in progress on the same ground. For instance, peas are sown in double rows, at the width of from 6 ft. to 12 ft.; and several rows of different varieties of the Brassica family, potatoes, spinach, &c., brought forward between them. Potatoes are planted in wide rows, and the Brassica family in rows between them. Asparagus, in like manner, is grown in rows 6 ft. apart, on light rich soil, prepared to the depth of 4 ft.; and onions, turnips, strawberries, and various other low-growing annual and perennial crops between them. At Shardeloes we saw asparagus which had been sown in double rows, in thoroughly prepared soil, affording a good crop of heads the second spring. We are aware that none of these practices are new, but they deserve to be better known. The advantage derived from them is founded on the principle that plants, on approaching to maturity, require a greater share of air, and to have a greater surface exposed to the light, than when they are young, small, and comparatively commencing their growth.