The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xxv. A Plan Explained.


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The magnificent library, or living-room, consists of three compartments, with a fire-place in each, and a flue near the windows of the bow: the centre is fifty feet by twenty-eight, opening into two recesses, or tribunes, of different shapes, fitted up in very different manners; one being for music-books and instruments, the other for books of prints and portfolios of drawings; and both joined to the large library by a screen of columns, or at pleasure separated from it by drapery and curtains. All this is repeated by a large mirror over the fireplace, which, aided by three apertures for stained glass above the level of the bookcases, prevents this end from being deficient in light, and gives to the whole an air of united cheerfulness, magnificence, and novelty. On leaving these new rooms, Nos. 6, 7, and 8, we enter the old suit of apartments, Nos. 9, 10, and 11, now opening into each other by large folding doors; and from the spot marked X we have two enfilades, one of about three hundred feet, but, in fact, by the mirror of Flora, rendered indefinite; and the other of about seventy feet, along the two greenhouses, through the entrance-porch, and terminating either by a statue or fountain, or doubled by another mirror at the end.