On the plan are distinguished, by a light brown wash, the grounds for use and not for ornament, being invisible from the house; and by a green wash, those which are visible from the principal rooms, consisting of landscape and park scenery, where the cattle are prevented from breaking the windows by a dwarf terrace-wall, richly dressed with flowers, which forms the foreground, or frame, of the picture. So magnificent and complicated a plan may, perhaps, appear ideal, but it actually exists, although I have never seen it since I made the plan on the spot. To explain this, I will relate the following fact. The proprietor called at my door, and took me to the place, to ask my opinion about adding a new room of large dimensions to an old house. I described, by a pencil sketch, the general idea of this annexed plan, with which he was so much pleased, that he desired me, the day following, to explain it to a gentleman, who, I afterwards discovered, was a clerk of the works to an eminent architect. The pencil sketch was all that I was ever permitted to deliver, from which the whole was immediately carried into execution, without having yielded me either emolument or fame, or any other advantage, except the useful lesson-not to leave a pencil sketch in the hands of a clerk of the works. Under such circumstances, I hope I may be excused for claiming my share in a design which I have often heard commended as the sole production of the late proprietor's exquisite taste. He certainly made it all his own: but there was not a single idea which I had not furnished. "Detur suum cuique." [Let every one have his due.]