The Garden Guide

Victoria State Rose Garden

The garden displays 6,000 roses - the main display is laid out in the shape of a Tudor Rose (which you can see on the aerial photo on the map below).

Head Gardener's Comment

We are the largest Public Rose Garden in Australia & the only non-European garden to receive A Garden Of Excellence Award from the World Federation of Rose Societies. Please allow 1-2 hrs to fully enjoy 4.75 hectares of 6000 Roses of all types. 120 Volunteers work on average 7000 hrs per year to keep the roses blooming for your enjoyment.

Photograph © Victoria State Rose Garden
Photograph © Victoria State Rose Garden
Photograph © Victoria State Rose Garden
Photograph © Victoria State Rose Garden


In 1976 Victoria was known as the Garden State. It was suggested then that our state should be the perfect site for a public Rose Garden. In 1980 approval was given. In 1986 the garden was finally opened. In 1993 after a public appeal, the supporters group was formed to help maintain the garden even thoough we are adjacent to the Mansion & part of Parks Victoria. All of the work pertaining to the Roses is done by Volunteers.

Plants of note

Five Petals of the Tudor Rose features Avenues of Standards, Beds of H.T's & Bush roses.
Climbers & Ramblers adorn the Festoons, Arches & Tripods as well as Weeping Standards of every colour. The 400 metre Heritage Rose Border was a recent addition to the area as was the Federation Leaf of Australian Bred Roses and The Bud of David Austins. Our newest project is 2 trial beds to ascertain which of the new varieties are best suited to our needs as we usually replace 5-7 beds p.a some of the beds are the original plantings.

K Road, WERRIBEE, MELBOURNE, Victoria, Australia, 3030

All year. Daily. Open 9am to 5:30pm.


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