The Garden Guide

June Blake's Garden

A 3 acre nursery garden set within an old granite farmyard, developed since 2000 by plantswoman June Blake. There is a rock garden, woodland garden, damp garden and reflecting pool.

Head Gardener's Comment

June Blake is a passionate plantswoman who runs a remarkable garden and rare plants nursery from her home, an early Victorian, steward’s cottage. The gardens extend over approximately three acres and contain an eclectic collection of plants from around the world. The garden includes areas of exciting, bold herbaceous planting and serene stillness including a sublime shade garden of ferns, grasses and bamboos punctuated by enormous granite boulders. There is a shallow, linear reflecting pool with an austere sheet of motionless water set amidst exuberant tropical and prairie planting. The garden’s strong skeleton of wide gravel paths leads the eyes along lush borders with ever-changing combinations of hardy and tender herbaceous and woody plants in huge beds of hot colours and shady retreats retained by dry stone walls. There is an allee of 2.5m Dicksonia squarrosa, to give views of architectural, scultpural, horticultural and pastoral elements within the gardens.The latest addition is a minimalist courtyard offering a space of austere tranquillity in contrast to the lavish exuberance of the surrounding gardens.

Photograph © June Blake's Garden & Nursery
Photograph © June Blake's Garden & Nursery
Photograph © June Blake's Garden & Nursery
Photograph © June Blake's Garden & Nursery


"Bloom" - Gold Medal Floral Pavilion

"Bloom" - Silver Guilt Floral Pavilion

"Garden Heaven" - Gold and Best in Show for Nursery Display

Plants of note

"Quotes about the Garden"

"There are few Gardens in Ireland of which I never get tired, and to which I like to return again and again. They're gardens that have layers of interest, in different seasons. At different times of the day, and in all kinds of weather" Jane Powers - The Irish Times

"The Effect is startling in its beauty like the split contents of a jewellery box" Fionnuala Fallon - The Irish Garden

"It is the intense indigenousness, combined with June Blake's perfect eye, that makes this garden one of the most comfortable in its skin that I have ever seen " Jane Powers - The Irish Times

"The Planting is strikingly experimental" Tim Longville - Garden Heaven.

Tinode, Manor Kilbride, Blessington, Wicklow, Ireland

April to September. Every Weekend, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Open 11am to 5:30pm. Other times by appointment.


Visit the June Blake's Garden website

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