The Garden Guide

Raglan Castle Garden

A ruined medieval fortress-palace - with a ruined garden. It is illustrated and described on pages 60-61 of C Taylor's Parks and gardens from the air (1998), shown with a dusting of snow and turf. This dramatises the lines and imparts a graphic quality. The layout is traced to 1549. One can detect long terraces cut into the slope below the castle. The discovery of stone balustrading suggests the terraces were Italianate, perhaps the location of the 'curious knots' mentioned in a poem of 1587. The 'water-parterre' at the head of the former lake can be glimpsed.
Photograph © timmo

Raglan, Monmouthshire, Wales, NP15 2BT

All year. Daily except Christmas and New Year.

Adult £3.00

Visit the Raglan Castle Garden website

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