[Note:J.C. Loudon's "Gardening Science - the Vegetable Kingdom" was published as Part 2, Book 3 of JC Loudon's " Encyclopedia of Gardening". This edition was (1) edited by JCL in 1834 (2) re-published by Jane Web Loudon in 1850 (3) scanned, edited and re-titled by Tom Turner (TT) in 2005 (4) published in copyright, with Loudon's paragraph numbers retained so that scholars can find page numbers from the printed edition].
1453. Landscape-Gardening, or the art of creating beautiful scenery out of plain unornamented ground, is generally considered the highest branch of the art of gardening, as the materials with which the landscape-gardener works include hills, dales, woods, and waters, and, in fact, all the noblest features of the natural country. In a more confined sense landscape-gardening may be defined as the art of arranging the different parts which compose the external scenery of a country residence, so as to produce the different beauties and conveniences of which that scene of domestic life is susceptible.