The Garden Guide

Book: The Principles of Landscape Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 1: Entomology as Applied to Gardens

Fruit tree pests and caterpillars

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1650. Fruit trees, and more particularly apple trees, are subject to the attacks of many lepidopterous caterpillars. Independently of the various causes for blight, proceeding from the soil and the weather, there are others entirely originating in insects. Gardeners frequently observe that the tender leaves on the young apple and apricot shoots have the appearance of being sewn or woven together, or rolled up and withered; now, it is beyond all doubt that neither heat, cold, nor fungi, have the least agency in causing these injuries. They are, in fact, entirely produced by small caterpillars; and if the leaves are separated, and carefully unrolled, these depredators will be detected. One is of a chestnut brown colour, with a black head; another is green, with a few black hairs scattered over its body, and both are the larvï¾µ of different small moths.