1651. Other caterpillars which infest fruit trees are those of a little moth (Tinea corticella), which lives beneath the bark; and the larvï¾µ of Tortrix W£berana (Hort. Trans., vol. ii. p. 25.), by which is often laid the foundation of canker. Our fruit trees of different kinds are often injured by the caterpillars of Bombyx Neustria the barred tree-lackey-moth, which live in large societies beneath a web-like tent, Linnï¾µus calls the Figure-of-eight moth (Bombyx cï¾µruleocephala F.) the pest of Pomona, Reaumur has particularly noticed another species in France; which, from the observations of Mr. Knight, appears to be found also in England (Tinea Pomonella ?). The caterpillar of this species feeds on the heart of the fruit, and thus causes it to fall in an unripe state. The gooseberry and currant trees in the gardens round London are terribly injured by the black and white caterpillars of the Gooseberry moth; and the chestnuts, particularly in France, are destroyed, while yet young, by the larvï¾µ of a small moth, which eats into the fruit. That pest of Flora, the Rose Tortrix (T. rosana), is produced from those little green caterpillars found concealed in the curled or folded leaflets of the rose; and a still more pernicious kind enters the bud, and frequently destroys every opening blossom.