The Garden Guide

Book: Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, 1795
Chapter: Chapter 1: Concerning different characters and situations

Rivenhall Place Red Book

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RIVENHALL PLACE. The present character of Rivenhall Place is evidently gloomy and sequestered, with the appearance of being low and damp. [See fig. 6.] The interference of art, in former days, has, indeed, rendered the improvement and restoration of its natural beauties a work of some labour; yet, by availing ourselves of those natural beauties, and displacing some of the encumbrances of art [see fig. 7,] the character of the place may be made pic- turesque and cheerful, and the situation, which is not really damp, may be so managed as to lose that appearance. The first object is to remove the stables, and all the trees and bushes in the low meadow, which may then with ease be converted into a pleasing piece of water, in the front of the house. The effect of this alteration is shewn by plate No. II. [our figs. 6, 7, and 8.] In its present state, two tall elms are the first objects that attract our notice [see fig. 6:] from the tops of these trees the eye measures downwards to the house, that is very indistinctly seen amidst the confusion of bushes and buildings with which it is encumbered; and the present water appearing above the house, we necessarily conclude that the house stands low: but instead of this confusion, let water be the leading object [see fig. 8,] and the eye will naturally measure upwards to the house, and we shall then pronounce that it no longer appears in a low situation.