The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Environmental impact questions

Mineral workings EIA questions

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Mineral workings Quality. Will the post-mining landscape be at least as useful and at least as beautiful as the pre-mining landscape? Plant and machinery. How will adverse side-effects be mitigated? What beneficial side-effects are planned? Mineral operation. What harm will be done? How will the landform be adapted to produce a beneficial end-result? Phasing. Is there a phasing plan for completion of the mineral workings and the establishment of after-uses? Character. At surface level, will the post-mining landscape be Similar, Identical or Different to the pre-mining landscape? After-use. Has full consideration been given to planning for a range of possible after-uses? Land ownership. Should the community help with land aquisition? Will the land pass into public ownership when the extraction process is complete?