The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Environmental impact questions

Agriculture EIA questions

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Agriculture Character. Should the existing character of the agricultural land be conserved or should a different character be developed? Public goods. What public goods are produced? What public goods could be produced? Who will pay for the public goods? Should the land owner receive a wage or a rent for the public goods which are provided? Mapping. From what points of view has the agricultural land been mapped? Strategic reserve. Will the farm provide a strategic reserve capacity for food production? If land goes out of production, how long would it take to bring it back into production? Conservation. Will the farm contribute to water conservation, historic conservation and scenic conservation objectives? Recreation. Will access to the countryside be improved? Food. Will the supply of wild food and non-industrial food be improved? Geography. Has the supply of public goods been considered in relation to their local, regional, national and international availability? Implementation. What arrangements have been made for implementation of a farm landscape plan? Ownership. Will any easements or common rights be purchased or pass into public ownership for another reason? Finance. Will the public goods social benefit from money spent on agricultural production subsidies?