The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Chapter 4 Public open space POS

Redways as greenways

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Social greenways in city centres 

Redways appeal to the emotions. They need central locations, which contribute to their bustle and excitement. They should attract land users with adventurous ideas. Outdoor shopping and eating tend to 'redden' space. Street entertainers should be welcomed. Some Redways can have a diversity of land uses. Others can specialise, perhaps in shopping, entertainment or commerce. The period of maximum activity can also vary: morning for food markets, afternoon for restaurants, evening for drinking and entertainment. A Redway should be an environmentally pleasant route for as many types of traffic as possible. In a metropolis, this is likely to be pedestrian traffic with vehicular access only before opening time. In a village, horses, cycles, dogs and slow-moving cars can be accommodated.