The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Chapter 10 Sustainable green transport


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Planning for roller blades and in-line skates 

Skating is fun. The advent of efficient in-line roller skates has opened new opportunities in transport planning. The usual principles apply: if volumes are low and travellers well-disciplined, modes can be mixed if volumes are high, exclusive routes are a necessity different criteria apply to leisure routes and commuter routes routes must be contextualised Track requirements for skating are similar to those for cycling [Fig 10.19]. For commuting, skaters require the most direct route possible. For leisure, they prefer good scenery. In parks and beside holiday beaches, skaters want a stagy route on which they can see and be seen, displaying their bronzed and beautiful limbs. Commuters could use skates as a way of getting from their homes to rail stations, and from rail stations to their workplace. Leisure skaters would like to have long-distance routes - a trans-continental skateway would be an attractive proposition. In part, it could run beside rivers and canals. But, if one fell in, it could be difficult to swim wearing skates.