The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Gardening in Japan, 1912
Chapter: Preface by Josiah Conder

The art of landscape gardening in Japan

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The favourable reception accorded to his work on the "Flowers of Japan, and the Art of Floral Arrangement," has encouraged the author to issue another volume on the more comprehensive but kindred Art of Landscape Gardening. His researches into the subject date from several years prior to their present publication in book form. In May, 1886, he contributed to the "Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan" a paper in which the theory of Japanese garden composition was first laid before European readers. Prof. E. S. MORSE published in the same year a popular work on "Japanese Homes and their Surroundings," in which were described and illustrated some of the picturesque features of the city garden. Mr. F. T. PIGGOTT'S recent artistic publication, entitled "Garden of Japan," is a diary of the seasons, with running comments in that writer's own attractive style. In July, 1892, Mr. LAFCADIO HEARN contributed to the Atlantic Monthly several charmingly written chapters treating of the ethical side of gardening as practised in this country.