The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Gardening in Japan, 1912
Chapter: Chapter 12. Garden Composition

Rough Flat Garden style Hira niwa

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In the rough style of Flat Garden, illustrated in Plate XXX., details become fewer and still larger in proportion, there being virtually but one cultivated group or oasis in the desert of flat beaten earth. Well, lantern, and the most important trees, stones, and bushes are all clumped together, the remaining area being ornamented with a few stepping stones, a water basin and drain, and two small groups of stones, east and west. Stone 1, in the central group, is the "Guardian Stone," No. 2 is the "Worshipping Stone" and "Seat of Honour Stone" merged into one, and these together are combined with a third stone of arching form, making one of the triple lithic combinations shown in Plate II., and described on page 46. Stone 3, a little removed to the west, is the "Stone of the Setting Sun," grouped with two other rocks, a bush, and a large-leaved plant. Stone 4, called the "Stone of the Two Gods," is the principal feature of a small group on the east foreground. The stepping stones in this model are less numerous, bolder, and rougher in shape than in the other styles, and no hewn stones are introduced. A pair of pine trees, with a tall shrub and low plants and bushes, form the only mass of vegetation in the garden, which serves at the same time to shade a rustic well-frame, with its pebbled bed, rocks, and water plants. A large "Snow-scene" stone lantern, the single feature of its kind, also forms part of this clump. In the corner of the foreground to the west is shown the water basin, drain, and screen fence, indicating the end of the room verandah. A bamboo enclosure of the simplest kind surrounds the garden. (Stone 1. Guardian Stone. Stone 2. Worshipping Stone. Stone 3. Stone of Evening Sun. Stone 4. Stone of the Two Gods. A. Snow-scene Lantern. B. Water Basin. C. Garden Gate. D. Well Frame.)