The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Gardening in Japan, 1912
Chapter: Chapter 11. Garden Vegetation

Shady, spreading trees for garden shrines

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Shady, spreading trees, among which may be mentiond Pines, Cryptomerias, Chestnuts, and Persimmon trees, are selected for positions near an arbour or garden shrine. Still stricter rules exist for the employment of particular trees in Tea Gardens. A sequestered and sombre effect being principally aimed at, evergreens and trees of thick foliage are preferred; but a few deciduous trees, such as Oaks, may be placed in the background, and an old Plum tree planted near the enclosing fence. The following are the trees and plants most used for Tea Gardens:�the Pine, Maple, Oak, Aucuba japonica, Andromeda japonica, Gardenia florida, Euonymus alatus, Euonymus europ�us, Aralia, spinosa, El�agnus glabra, Deutzia sieboldiana, Euxus japonicus, Citrus aurantium, Eularia japonica, Lespedeza bicolor, Equisetum hyemale, Vitis inconstans, Pteris aquilina, Pelasites japonicus, and certain Ferns. Bushes clipped into rounded shapes, called Maru-mono (see page 109), are not generally admitted into orthodox Tea Gardens, being considered too artificial, and detracting from the natural wildness aimed at in such gardens.