GARDEN ISLANDS. Four important Garden Islands are introduced into water scenery. The first of these is called the "Elysian Isle" (Horai-jima), the conception of which has been already explained. Intended to represent a sea island, it is placed near the centre of a garden lake, and on no account should a bridge connect it with the neighbouring land. Its beach should be spread with sea sand, pebbles, and shells, and the cultivation on its surface of all fresh-water vegetation must be avoided. A fancy has arisen for making the "Elysian Isle" in a form suggestive of the tortoise, and adorning it with rocks and stones representing the head, legs, and tail of this animal (see page 51). The second goes by the name of the "Wind-swept Isle" (Fukiage-jima), and also simulates an ocean island. It should therefore never be used in a running stream, but may be introduced into a garden lake, when such is intended to express the idea of the open sea. No moss, river plants, or growths of any kind peculiar to fresh-water islands are permitted on the "Wind-swept Isle;" like the "Elysian Isle," its shores should be spread with sand, shells, and sea rocks.