The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Gardening in Japan, 1912
Chapter: Chapter1. History

Ashikaga period Japanese gardens

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Other notable Chajin, or Tea Professors, of the Ashikaga period were:�Shuko, a teacher of Yoshimasa, Showo, No-ami, and Gei-ami. These were followed by Serno-Rikiu, Furuta Oribe, Ota, Hosokawa, Fujimura Yoken, Kuwabara, Enshiu, and Oguri Sotan, all famous names associated both with the tea ceremonial and the laying out of gardens. Of the latter, Sen-no-Rikiu, Furuta Oribe, and Enshiu were perhaps the most erudite. Sen-no-Rikiu, a youth from Sakai, who studied under Showo from the age of seventeen, showed unusual talent, and was employed by Nobunaga who gave him the title of Sosho, or Professor of Elegant Arts. He became afterwards the favourite teacher of Hideyoshi whom be accompanied in his campaigns, and from whom he received exalted rank as Abbot of Daitokuji. He, however, fell into disfavour with his imperious patron, and was compelled to commit hara-kiri at the advanced age of seventy-one. Rikiu was the originator of many changes in the tea ceremonies, in the design of the buildings called Chaseki or Suki-ya, used for their observance, and in the composition of the surrounding gardens.