The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 5: Gardens in Asia, America, Africa, Australia

Chinese house and garden

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789. A plan of a Chinese garden and dwelling, executed at forty-five leagues from the city of Pekin, was taken by Stornberg, a gardener, who was several years in that country, and is given by Kraft in his Plans. (Plant, &c., partie ii. pl. 95.) If this plan (fig. 220.) is really correct, it seems to countenance the idea of the modern style being taken from that of the Chinese. The house of the mandarin, its proprietor, contains an entrance under a triumphant arch (a), barracks or offices (b), fountains (c), entrance-gate for dignified persons (d), vases of odours (e), officers' dwellings (f), residences of those in waiting (g), fountains (h), residence of the proprietor (i), apartments for mandarin ladies (k), triumphal arch (l), bagnio and room for sports (m), a pa-vilion on a rock (n), building for the practice of archery (o), greenhouse (p), pleasure-house (q), and a rock under which the river passes and forms a waterfall (r). (Kraft, p. 70.)