The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Practical gardening in Russia

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5. Russian Gardening, as empirically practised 476. The very limited use of gardens in this country has been already noticed. Few are to be seen attached to the isbas, or log-houses, of the boors, and not many to the rich privileged slaves, or the native freedmen of the towns. There is no such thing as a Russian farmer; every proprietor farms the whole of his own estate by means of his slaves and an agent. The greater part of these proprietors have no gardens, or if they have, they are wretched spots, containing a few borecoles, and but rarely potatoes or legumes. The use of gardens is, therefore, almost entirely confined to the imperial family, the highest class of nobles, and a few foreigners, who have settled in the principal cities.