The Garden Guide

Book: Gardens of Japan, 1928,
Chapter: Garden history

Katsura Imperial Palace Garden

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At the beginning of this period the celebrated garden of the Katsura detached palace was completed by Kobori-Enshu, the great cha-no-yu master and connoisseur, who is said to have undertaken the work under three conditions: no limitation as to the time of its completion, no interference, and allowance of unlimited expenditure. This masterpiece of garden art could still be seen in an excellent state of preservation. He it was who designed the garden of Kohoan of Daitikuji, of Kodaiji, of Nanzenji, of Chion-in and others. Among other famous gardens of Kyoto made during this period may be mentioned those of the Imperial detached palaces of Nijo, Shugakuin, Sento Gosho, and Honnami-Koetsu's peculiar garden of Hompoji and others. [The Katsura Imperial Villa (???, Katsura Rikyu?), or Katsura Detached Palace, is a villa with associated gardens and outbuildings in the western suburbs of Kyoto, Japan (in Nishikyo-ku, separate from the Kyoto Imperial Palace). It is one of Japan's most important large-scale cultural treasures. Wikipedia, 2007]