The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings
Chapter: Chapter 5: Machines and Machinery

Sauls tree transplanter

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1914. Saul's machine for transplanting large trees or shrubs (fig. 515.) consists of a pole fixed on wheels with two irons of a particular description. A trench having been dug round the tree to be removed, one of the irons (a a) is placed on one side of its ball, and then the three rods (b b b) are passed through the iron, and into the holes in the iron on the opposite side of the ball. A plank is then laid across the trench, to support the wheels of the draught-pole (c), until the hooks (d) catch into the holes in the top of a. This being done, and the draught-pole (c) drawn down, the tree with its ball is raised out of the pit, and, when secured by a rope, may be conveyed with ease to the place of replanting. The rope is fastened to the end of the lines over the axle-tree, passed round the ball of the tree under the machine, secured to the cross-piece (e), and thence, if necessary, extended up to the stem of the tree: great steadiness is thus produced. When the tree is brought to the hole prepared for it, the rope is removed, and the draught-beam, or lever, is raised until the iron frame (formed by a a, b b b) rests on the bottom of the hole; the machine is then disengaged from the irons (a a), and driven back; the iron rods (b b b) with the irons (a a) being withdrawn. The filling in of the soil now completes the transplantation.