The instruction which the young gardener may derive from the article on Hendon Rectory and this article is of two kinds: 1. the occasional illustration of a principle, such as the advantage and disadvantage of different slopes of ground for displaying flower-beds, as explained in the fifth and sixth pages of the present Article; and, 2., the exemplification of other principles by practice. In the case of Hendon Rectory, the gardenesque manner of culture is illustrated, and its practice exhibited; and, in the case of the villa about to be described, the advantages of grouping are set forth in a more striking point of view, than they have hitherto been in any garden, or book of gardening, with which we are acquainted. The young gardener may also learn from this article, and the one on Hendon Rectory, how little of the real merit of a place depends on its extent, the outline of the ground, the character of the surface, or even the disposition of the house and the domestic offices. Neither Hendon Rectory, nor the Lawrencian Villa, possesses any advantages in these respects: but skill, taste, and money, and, above all, taste, will effect wonders in any situation, however unfavourable; and it is to the taste of the proprietors of.Hendon Rectory and Drayton Villa, and their skill in carrying that taste into execution, much more than to their wealth, that we are indebted for two villas altogether unique - unique in the manner in which they are laid out, and unique in the kinds of plants cultivated. We regret that, in the case of Mrs. Lawrence's villa, we could not spare room for the list of plants which are there cultivated, as it consists of a selection of those species and varieties which are decidedly the most rare and beautiful.