The dwelling-house of this villa has been much enlarged and added to at different times, in consequence of which there is a want of regularity and symmetry in the arrangement, and of proportion in the dimensions of the different apartments, which is unavoidable in such cases. It is often, however, useful, to give the plan of such houses; because it shows how additions may be made according to the wants of the occupier. These additions show in a more forcible manner than a regular or symmetrical ground plan, the accommodations which cannot be dispensed with, as well as what may be considered as the minimum extent of these accommodations. In a regular plan, an apartment is sometimes added to complete the regularity of the figure; and the size of this apartment, as well as of that of some of the closets, &c., and some of the outbuildings, is often larger than there is any occasion for, and sometimes smaller than it ought to be, for the same reason. In the case of a house like the present, consisting originally of five rooms and a kitchen on the ground floor, being rendered, by additions, fit for the occupation of a family enjoying every comfort and luxury, we discover not only all the necessary supplementary rooms and offices, but the smallest size of each that will answer the end in view. We have not, in this dwelling, either a laundry or a brew-house, because washing and brewing are not done at home; nor a large library or wine-cellar, because, Mr. Lawrence residing chiefly in London, his principal stock of books and wines is kept there. We have, however, an ample pantry and dairy, and all the smaller outdoor offices which are required in the largest mansion. Baths and water-closets are not shown, because they are on the bed-room floor; and there is also a bath-house in the garden.