Entering the lawn from the drawingroom (h), we find a gentle descent from the veranda to the walk. Turning to the right, at the angle at 1, we observe the foliated vase fig. 44., the base of which is concealed by a plant of tree ivy; proceeding onwards towards 2 and 4, we pass the pedestals and vases figs. 45. and 46. We are now at a sufficient distance from the garden front of the house, to see it to advantage by turning round; and, if we step on the lawn to the point 4, we shall find the view fig. 47., to the left of which will be observed the ivy vase, and a basket containing a pyramid of roses; and to the right an elevated rustic basket of pelargoniums. The large window on the left is that of the dining-room. Looking from 1, 2, and 3, across the lawn, the eye observes an intricate maze of agreeable and beautiful objects, but sufficiently distant not to create the idea of being crowded or confused; the reason of which is, that there is always an ample surface of naked lawn in the foreground, or middle distance, to contrast with the ornamental groups, and to throw them sufficiently far from the eye.