The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Northern England and Southern Scotland in 1841

Newbattle Abbey

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Newbattle Abbey; the Marquess of Lothian. The abbey is finely situated in a bottom, surrounded on every side by high banks covered with wood. It stands close to the Esk, with a considerable portion of level ground on one side, varied by old trees; the whole expressive, in a high degree, of the peaceful combined with the grand. There are many fine trees, both on the level ground and the declivities, the most remarkable of which are, an immense beech, a sycamore, and a Scotch elm, the dimensions of which are given in our Arboretum. In the kitchen-garden, which, with the gardener's house and some flower-garden scenery, is most picturesquely situated, we found a raspberry plantation which had not been renewed for forty years, and which still continued to bear abundant crops.