The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: Northern England and Southern Scotland in 1841

Dollar Botanic Garden

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The Botanic Garden at Dollar belongs to the Dollar Institution, which was founded by a native of the place, Mr. M'Nab, who came to London without being able either to read or write, made a large fortune, and, having no child, left his property for the education, free of expense, of the natives of Dollar, and, under certain restrictions, of the children of the adjoining parishes. There is a large well arranged building for the classes, lectures, and library, and good houses and gardens for masters of the different departments of knowledge; but, strange to say, the managers have been quarrelling among themselves for several years past, so that the good that would have been done by the Institution has been greatly diminished. The Botanic Garden contains also a horticultural collection, so that the inhabitants of this part of the country have an opportunity of seeing the best kinds of culinary vegetables and fruits, as well as a named collection of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Mr. Westwood, the curator of the garden, a most intelligent man, informed us that, to secure the means of supporting it properly, he was obliged to turn great part of it into a nursery. In consequence of the facilities afforded by the Institution of procuring a good education at a moderate expense, many houses have been erected in the neighbourhood by persons of moderate fortunes, attracted by its educational advantages, and landed property has in consequence been greatly increased in value.