Tegg's Paradise Nursery has been in his family upwards of a century. When we first saw it, in 1804, it contained scarcely any thing; more than a common market-garden, but it possesses now many of the rarer and more expensive plants; decidedly the most valuable nursery collection at Oxford. Among the camellias are C. reticulata, C. japonica fimbriata, and all the best varieties of Mr. Press. Almost all the new shrubs which have been recommended in this Magazine are to be found here; a number of them we certainly did not expect to see. We cannot say much for the manner in which they are propagated or cultivated, speaking comparatively with the London nurseries; and, as to order and neatness, Mr. Tegg sets them at defiance. The truth is, the ground is his own, and he is too independent to care about making the most of it. In one respect, it put us in mind of the Monkwood Nursery, where, as its owner, Mr. Smith, informed us (VIII. 113.), he allowed the rarest plants and commonest weeds to grow up together "in a friendly manner." Mr. Tegg has been very successful in propagating a number of hardy things; among other shrubs, Daphne pontica from cuttings as stocks for the rarer species, and variegated hollies from cuttings.