Penson's Nursery adjoins the Oxford Botanic Garden; but he has other grounds, of greater extent, along the London road. Mr. Penson, senior, is 92 years of age, and in vigorous health. The articles produced are chiefly fruits and showy flowers. There are apple trees here, on a wet bottom, of small size, of the burr-knot kind, and upwards of 80 years of age, which bear well every year, producing very little wood, and abundance of fruit; and a black cluster grape, above 100 years of age, the roots of which have also got down to the wet bottom, which produces scarcely any fruit. Some parts of this nursery were passably clean; but a part of it, facing the main street of Oxford, on the outside of the Botanic Garden, though neatly laid out in flowerbeds, was, in respect to cleanliness, far below the economic point. Mr. Tegg's nursery is in an obscure part of the town, and its disorderly state chiefly concerns himself; but Mr. Penson's nursery forms the very eye of the city when entering it from London; and, as a point of honour, he ought to keep it in the very highest order.