Mr. Ronalds's Nursery, Brentford. - In the shop there were two handsome models of heath and moss houses, made by two young men of Stirling, candidates for employment in this way on a large scale. They were brought into notice by Messrs. Drummond, the patriotic seedsmen of that town, and we hope they will be employed by some wealthy amateur in England. We noticed specimens of twenty different sorts of peas, the names of some of which we had never before heard of; a proof, as we have elsewhere observed, that gardeners ought always to give a certain licence to their seedsmen, in order that they may have every new thing sent to them. We also found, by a prospectus, that the large and handsome conservatory (Vol. V. p. 268. fig. 55.), erected by the spirited plumber and glazier, Mr. Roberts of Oswestry, is to be disposed of by raffle, as soon as 800 subscribers of a guinea each can be found. This sum, we are assured, and we can readily believe it, is less than one half of what it cost. The nursery at Brentford, and at the four other places where Mr. Ronalds has grounds, is everywhere in the very best order, and in no season have the articles been better grown; in few, indeed, so well. Besides fruit trees, Mr. Ronalds has always been celebrated for raising garden seeds, and especially the seeds of flowers. We saw immense quantities of the ice plant, Salpiglossis, Schizanthus, Petunia, Browallia, balsams, &c., in pots in the green-houses for ripening seeds. Among the shrubby plants in the open ground finely in flower were, Ceanothus cï¾µruleus; a hedge of rose acacias; scarlet coluteas, both in flower and seed, at once beautiful and singular; Sollya heterophylla; and a very handsome plant of Aralia spinosa with a branchy top, and its broad leaves forming horizontal lines like one of Martin's cedars. There is here the best stock which we have seen of Ribes speciosum (at a guinea a plant), and abundant crops of cedars, Pinus Laricio, P. Cembra, and other rare and valuable pines, rising from seed. The same may be said as to a number of American trees and shrubs.