The Fruit-garden of Mr. H. Knevett, at Isleworth. - This is a very old fruit-garden on excellent soil, and well sub- divided by brick walls, on which the finer kinds of fruit are trained. The intervening compartments are almost entirely devoted to strawberries, and to gooseberries, and other fruit shrubs and fruit trees. The only culinary vegetables grown are tart rhubarb and sea-kale. This garden, and a number of others surrounding it, from the Thames on the one hand to the Brentford road on the other, may be considered, in gardening history, as classic ground. It has probably been garden ground for centuries; for the first nursery mentioned in British history was at Twickenham; and Batty Langley, the first gardening author who figured fruits, lived there, and his house was, till lately, pointed out to those who enquired after it. Mr. Henry Knevett is proprietor of the ground which he cultivates, and it is sufficiently extensive to afford him a handsome income. He probably lives better than nine tenths of the Caledonian gentry do at this moment, when at their country seats, and without company. We happened to call while he was at dinner, and saw the whole of his fine family, five sons and two daughters, all grown up, sitting round his table. His strawberry we believe, with Mr. Munro, to be the very best now in cultivation.