Ringwood. - We took a circuitous road to this place, in order to see as much as possible of the forest scenery. The first part of our route displayed oaks and hollies, chiefly of great age, distributed over a varied and broken surface; showing fine rising glades and green bottoms, with occasional glimpses of distant scenery of the same character. To the oaks succeeded several miles of beeches; and to these a comparatively open country, with new plantations of Scotch pines and oaks in regular enclosures. The major part of the surface of a route of thirteen or fourteen miles was, however, nearly bare, but with a rich soil, as was decidedly proved by the size of the furze and the fern. We cannot help being of opinion that it would be better for the public, and the government also, if the whole forest were sold to individuals and cultivated as private property. The church at Ringwood has double doors; one set having, as usual, solid panels, and the other panels of open work; the latter only are closed in fine weather, so that a current of air passes through the church, which is thus kept always thoroughly ventilated; a practice which seems to deserve general adoption.