Hounslow's Nursery. - Mr. Hounslow pointed out to us a singularly eligible site for an American ground, which has lately come into his occupation, and in which he means to cultivate a good collection, having already possessed himself of stools of some valuable hybrid azaleas and rhododendrons. He has had the good fortune to raise a new variety of the early Battersea, or East Ham, cabbage, which, on an average, comes in three weeks sooner than the ordinary variety. It has been exhibited at the Salisbury shows, and highly approved of, and may be asked for of the seedsmen under the name of Hounslow's early cabbage. It was most gratifying to us to see so industrious a man in this comparatively remote situation, creating a nursery which will soon become a great ornament to the town, as well as, we trust, a substantial benefit to himself. He has a good stock of that best of all gooseberries, the Ironmonger.