The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: From London to Sheffield in the Spring of 1839

Elvaston Trees

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In the reserve ground are many coniferous plants which are being brought forward for planting out; and those rare species, which in other places are only to be seen singly or in pairs, are here in dozens or scores. Among single objects which we recall to memory are, purple beeches grafted at a great height on the common beech; a weeping ash grafted on a common ash at 80 ft. from the ground, and growing most luxuriantly; and many variegated yews. A drive has recently been formed round the plantations in connexion with the pleasure-grounds, about two miles in length; the ground on each side, to a considerable width has been trenched, and will be planted with evergreen trees or shrubs of a similar description to those already there. On the whole, the grounds at Elvaston Castle abound with objects of great singularity, rarity, and value, and we can only regret our utter inability to do them justice, though our visit occupied the greater part of the day. Unfortunately, Mr. Barron, the gardener, was from home, and we were shown round by a young man who was comparatively a stranger. We trust, however, to Mr. Barron to supply deficiencies, and correct any mistake into which we may have fallen; and, above all, to give us some account of the manner in which he transplants large trees, and paves under and otherwise manages the fruit trees in the kitchen-garden. Nine years ago there was not a single evergreen about the place, with the exception of the very large cedars of Lebanon and a few large Portugal laurels; the whole having been collected, planted, and the entire grounds and gardens formed, in less than nine years.