The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening tours by J.C. Loudon 1831-1842
Chapter: From London to Sheffield in the Spring of 1839

Cornish Elm

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The Cornish Elm (U'lmus campestris cornubiensis Arb. Brit.)-This tree is seen here and there in the neighbourhood of Derby, and thence to Lichfield and Birmingham. It is readily known, even when without its leaves, by the somewhat twisted direction, and comparatively smooth bark of the &&& mid by the side branches being twisted and turned upwards; &&& very well expressed in that remarkably fine specimen of this tree at &&& Hall, which is figured in the Arboretum Britannicum, vol. vii. plate &&&. It is also known in spring by the leaves being a fortnight later in coming out than those of the common English elm; and in their being, when expanded, much smaller, and more pointed. Mr. Masters of Canterbury describes this tree, in our Vol. XIII. p. 30., as the red English elm; and observes that it is of rigid growth, and one of the most valuable timber trees of the small-leaved kinds of elms. The poles (for hops or other purposes) of this tree, Mr. Masters observes, are nearly of equal diameter throught. Wherever the English elm will attain a timber size, and durable timber in the object, this variety ought to have the preference; and we would recommend those who wish to be quite certain of possessing it to apply to Mr. Masters, who propagates upwards of twenty species and varieties of elms, and for many years paid particular attention to this family of trees. (See Gardener's Magezine as above, and Arboretum Britannicum, art. &&&) The following remarks apply partly to places that we saw between London and Sheffield, and portly to others which we have subsequently seen in Middlesex and Surrey. They are here brought together, because, for certain reasons, we cannot give either the names of the places, or those of their proprietors, or occupiers.