The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Xi. Beaudesert.

Beaudesert tree planting

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CONCERNING THE TREES, VIEW TO THE NORTH. As much of the improvement of Beaudesert will depend on the judicious removal of certain large trees, which have outgrown their relative situations, I will defend myself from that clamour which he must expect who dares presume to advise the felling of large trees. After forty years acquaintance with the subject, I now am frequently told, as if unconscious of such truisms, that "a large tree has been a long time growing," and, also, "that, when cut down, it cannot be put up again:" but there are situations, and very many of them at Beaudesert, where one tree conceals a wood, and where the removal of half a dozen will shew a thousand others. In winter, we may see, through their branches, objects totally invisible in summer, when a single tree becomes a screen as impenetrable as a wall. I therefore availed myself of this semi-transparent state of Beaudesert, to shew some effects by sketches which were taken when the trees were leafless, although I have supposed them in their full foliage [these sketches have not been engraved].