The Garden Guide

Book: Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1816
Chapter: Fragment Iv. Concerning Cobham.

Location of Cobham Hall

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This venerable pile is situated in a valley in the middle of a large park, and was formerly exposed to the cattle on every side, except towards the east, where a large walled garden intervened. The operations were begun by enveloping the whole of the premises in plantations, shrubberies, or gardens; and these, after the growth of twenty-five years, have totally changed the character of the place. The house is no longer a huge pile, standing naked on a vast grazing ground: its walls are enriched with roses and jasmines; its apartments are perfumed with odours from flowers surrounding it on every side; and the animals which enliven the landscape are not admitted as an annoyance. All around is neatness, elegance, and comfort; while the views of the park are improved by the rich foreground, over which they are seen from the terraces in the garden, or the elevated situation of the apartments.